
The Austrian Music Funds support music productions, sound recordings or other audiovisual/musical productions for new media. The program supports album productions or projects with the extent of an album. The funding of single productions is not possible. 

The project proposed should not be financially viable without the funding by the Austrian Music Fund. The production may not yet be completed at the time of funding approval and must not violate applicable laws. Commissioned productions, especially music for advertising and film, as well as compilations are not eligible. Relevant criteria for the funding of a production are its suitability as objects of cultural value, its professionalism in terms of production and its exploitability both at home and abroad. 

The funding can cover a maximum of 50% of production costs. The contributed capital can (partly) be provided in the form of assessed property and employee benefits. 

All persons residing in Austria as well as companies based in Austria may apply for funding, provided that they are mainly responsible for the productions submitted.  For details on eligibility as well as granting of funds please see the funding guidelines. Please note that you will acknowledge these funding guidelines with your submission.


© 2025 Österreichischer Musikfonds
Mit Finanzierung des Bundesministeriums Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport und namhafter Institutionen des österreichischen Musiklebens zur Förderung professioneller, österreichischer Musikproduktionen
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